Why Your Leadership Legacy Is Important To You And To Others

Leadership legacy

The best time to plant a tree it is said, is one hundred years ago. The second best time is today. And so it is with building your legacy as a leader.

Reflecting to inform action

When you look back over your career and life to date, what are the best teams you have been a part of? Who were the leaders that stand out for their positive impact on you, those around them and the organisations they were leading in? 

If that is a reflection you undertake at any point, then my question to you is how often are you appearing in similar reflections others undertake? 

How frequently when a current member of your team or someone you led aeons ago, look back on their career, will your care, thoughtfulness, drive and humanity be the role model leadership they think of? 

Would they be forever grateful that you pushed them to achieve even more than they dreamt possible for themselves? Or the kind word you shared at a moment of their personal crisis? 

Whatever you think about when you reflect on the best leaders and teams you have worked with is the same set of benchmarks current and former followers of yours gauge your leadership by. 

If you want to start to create a positive legacy for others start shaping your leadership so it meets the standards you were lucky enough to experience. 

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