Unlocking Leadership Potential: How to 10x the power of reflection

I was a schoolteacher in the 1990s and educators spoke often about the ideal of being a ‘reflective practitioner’. We were never told how we might do that or, indeed, explicitly what benefits would accrue from such a practice. We were just encouraged to reflect and I presume by some magical osmotic process we...

Leadership legacy

Why Your Leadership Legacy Is Important To You And To Others

The best time to plant a tree it is said, is one hundred years ago. The second best time is today. And so it is with building your legacy as a leader. Reflecting to inform action When you look back over your career and life to date, what are the best teams you have...

Develop the key leadership skill of parallel processing

Our recent blog posts have explored the importance of viewing a team, not just as an intact unit but also as a collection of individuals who operate across a range of relationships. When those bonds are sufficiently strong, they enable the team deliver the key impacts that are required of it.  This article moves the...

Confused about coaching

Towards better Leadership Development: Addressing Common Coaching Misconceptions

In this article we are going to tackle five popular misconceptions about leadership coaching so that you can make a more informed decision when you come to purchase coaching for yourself or leaders in your business. 1. Coaching is only for underperformers. Coaching has evolved since its introduction in the 1980s. Initially used for corrective measures, it...

How to flourish in the twists and turns of 2023.

I read a lot of books in 2022. Some great works of fiction. Others were airport books. Others still, thought-provoking insights into philosophy, psychology and high performance. But, I have a long-standing trap that I set myself when it comes to reading books that are meant to help me improve an aspect of my...

Less is.

We have spent eighteen months creating the Exigence brand. We had the help of many fantastic and experienced professionals in building something that I am incredibly proud of and that resonates with our team and customers. It wasn’t easy. The hardest part of the creative process for me, was the constant counsel I received...


We all know leaders whose thinking is constrained by their past experiences and their existing belief systems. They open problem-solving or decision-making dialogue around an issue and proceed to steer the solutions towards the one they have in mind. In their view, theirs is the only logical and sound conclusion.  Top performing leaders take...

How to create exceptional in-house group coaching Pt.3

Welcome to the third and final part in this mini-series on how HR, L&D and Talent colleagues can design and deliver your own in-house group coaching.  In the first part we looked at how you can establish the business case with your internal stakeholders, for beginning to think about this as an intervention. We...

How HR can help leaders. At scale.

In this first post of our three-part mini-series, we’ll look at the many good reasons why HR and L&D leaders should be considering setting up in-house Group Coaching for all people managers and those considered talent, not just under the current challenging circumstances but more generally too. In Part 2, we’ll outline when and...

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