Performance management in a hybrid workplace

In this post we’re going to be looking at the latest research on a really important human capital topic, that of performance management in a hybrid workplace. We’re not being prescriptive about what we mean when we refer to the hybrid workplace.For the purposes of this post, it will mean wherever there is a...

They laughed at her when she requested coaching. 

At least, they did, until her recent promotion to the C-Suite.  Caroline recognized after some recent 360 feedback that whilst people respected her technical expertise as an engineer, her leadership of individuals and the team needed improvement. It wasn’t terrible, indeed her 360 scores were among the better results across her peers.  But Caroline...

Why you should plan for your organisational transformation to fail. 

Change of all varieties (especially organisational transformation) rarely gets completed and sustained in the way we might hope and plan for. Experiencing that divergence between the plan and reality, or even failing to deliver the impacts you wanted, can feel terrible and disabling, leading to dents in confidence, increased risk aversion and ultimately shying...

Curiosity never killed the cat but boredom probably did.

The curious leader has an insatiable interest in new people, new things and new experiences. They have constantly active minds as one fresh insight leads to another, which leads to the desire for yet further discovery. They pursue this interest for personal growth with a view to uncovering fresh insights and new ideas that...

How can you make organisational change an individualised experience?

Are you still sheep-dipping leaders and managers in the hope that some collective get-together, either in-person or virtually, will engage them sufficiently to deliver your organisational change effort? If you are: Stop. Now.  Think about the employee experience (EX) of such an ordeal: pouring stewed coffee from one of those tall silver flasks (assuming...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Introducing NEW Concise Coaching by Exigence  Real-time development for your leaders and managers in transition.  What is Concise Coaching?  The ultimate individual and pragmatic approach to development. Coaching leaders within 20-minute sessions enables a larger number of people in organisations to access the benefits of coaching; being mindful of the workload...

Let Us Lead You In A Conversation About Followers

We spend a lot of time talking about leaders. Restricting the conversation to leaders & managers (henceforth ‘leaders’) misses a significant constituent body especially when planning for successful organisational change. We need to talk about ‘followers.’ Regardless of whether we are considering ‘followers’ as part of the macro-plan for change (which they should be)...

Less is.

We have spent eighteen months creating the Exigence brand. We had the help of many fantastic and experienced professionals in building something that I am incredibly proud of and that resonates with our team and customers. It wasn’t easy. The hardest part of the creative process for me, was the constant counsel I received...

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