Let Us Lead You In A Conversation About Followers.

We spend a lot of time talking about leaders. Restricting the conversation to leaders & managers (henceforth ‘leaders’) misses a significant constituent body especially when planning for successful organisational change. We need to talk about ‘followers.’ Regardless of whether we are considering ‘followers’ as part of the macro-plan for change (which they should be)...

Less is.

We have spent eighteen months creating the Exigence brand. We had the help of many fantastic and experienced professionals in building something that I am incredibly proud of and that resonates with our team and customers. It wasn’t easy. The hardest part of the creative process for me, was the constant counsel I received...

We’ve found a missing link in the change chain.

Organisations are constantly in motion. Expanding and shrinking. Accelerating and slowing down. Pursuing and following. A business represents a fluid system that exerts and reacts to forces both internal and external, known and unknown. The better equipped organisations are to cope with their dynamic nature the quicker and faster they can move forward.  This...

Important questions that will serve your ‘return to work’ considerations well.

As many businesses continue to wrestle with the “if “and/or “how” of whether employees should head back to working on-site, there seems to be an opportunity here for those same organisations to consider their role on a societal scale. Since early Summer 2020, we have been challenging individual leaders and their organisations, to consider...


We all know leaders whose thinking is constrained by their past experiences and their existing belief systems. They open problem-solving or decision-making dialogue around an issue and proceed to steer the solutions towards the one they have in mind. In their view, theirs is the only logical and sound conclusion.  Top performing leaders take...

Is it really fair to expect busy leaders to support the wellbeing of their team?

It makes sense that leaders and managers impact the productivity and engagement of those in their teams. Both negatively and positively. In fact, isn’t positively affecting these two measures, at least partly, what leaders are rewarded for?  But wellbeing? You can hear leaders and managers everywhere, as one voice claim, “That’s not in my...

Three approaches to developing organisation-wide sustainable productivity.

Whilst total production fell in the UK through 2020 due to the effects of the pandemic, average productivity increased marginally on hourly output measures, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Perhaps neither of these figures are wholly surprising, given the vastly different types of jobs done by people all across the UK....

How to create exceptional in-house group coaching Pt.3

Welcome to the third and final part in this mini-series on how HR, L&D and Talent colleagues can design and deliver your own in-house group coaching.  In the first part we looked at how you can establish the business case with your internal stakeholders, for beginning to think about this as an intervention. We...

In-house Group Coaching Pt.2

In the first part of this three-part series, we established why you might want to design and facilitate Group Coaching inside your organisation. The business-case is well established that this approach has both direct, planned for advantages e.g. driving delivery of key impacts and improving cognitive diversity, coupled with the several positive effects that...

How HR can help leaders. At scale.

In this first post of our three-part mini-series, we’ll look at the many good reasons why HR and L&D leaders should be considering setting up in-house Group Coaching for all people managers and those considered talent, not just under the current challenging circumstances but more generally too. In Part 2, we’ll outline when and...