Kim was bright, hardworking, collaborative and ambitious. She was a great corporate citizen. She was also exhausted. And excited. Kim and her team had just finished two days together, spending time on exploring the new business strategy and creating their version of it for her function. She was delighted at how the team had...
What happens when leadership meets its shadow
In the latest episode of our new podcast, ‘Impactful Conversations’, we delve into the topic of this article in more detail, exploring the challenges leaders face in addressing their ‘shadow’ sides. You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. Beneath the surface of every leader there lies a complex landscape of unconscious...
The Human Element in Change Management
In the first episode of our new podcast, ‘Impactful Conversations’, we explore the topic of this blog in more detail and discuss the nuances that leaders are navigating. You can listen to ‘How to minimise the risks of organisational transformation’ here or wherever you get your podcasts. We know that organisational transformation is complex....
Stop Using Terms You Don’t Fully Understand
In the coaching industry, jargon has become an all-too-common feature. It’s as if we believe that using complex terminology legitimises the coaching process, making it sound more sophisticated than it actually is. But, the truth is, coaching is an incredible tool for leadership development on its own – it doesn’t need to be propped...
Three Ways Leaders Can Individualise for High Performance
In today’s ever-changing work environment, individualising leadership is essential for driving high performance. Here are three key strategies for individualising leadership: 1. Balance Support and Challenge Effective leadership involves striking the right balance between support and challenge. Some employees need more guidance and resources, while others thrive on being pushed out of their comfort...
Why pursuing seismic shifts in perspective is so energising
In the last month I have read one book and attended one workshop that both genuinely shifted the lenses through which I see the world. Most people who know me well would suggest hyperbole is not a common linguistic style I indulge in, so you can safely assume that there is little in the...
Why Senior Leaders Should Adopt a Coaching Approach
In today’s fast-evolving business environment, senior leaders need to do more than just manage; they must coach. Leaders who embrace coaching as a core element of their leadership style foster environments that drive both individual and organisational growth. 1. Coaching for Employee Development Traditional management styles often focus on directing and controlling employees. Coaching, however,...
Speed vs Pace
Our son recently declared he was going to run a marathon in September this year. I couldn’t be more delighted for him and offered encouragement and support. My tattered copy of The Competitive Road Runners Handbook, was passed on to him, with a single sentence of advice, born out of painful experience, “Start both...
Clearing the Fog: How Leaders Can Turn Communication into Action and Performance
Introduction As coaches and consultants, we work across a variety of organisations, and one issue we frequently encounter when addressing underperformance or inaction is a failure in communication. This is not necessarily a failure to communicate – this distinction is crucial. It’s not that leaders aren’t talking to their teams; it’s that the message...
Helping new teams shift gears to high performance
When teams transition they can lose momentum and, as a result, the progress towards key organisational impacts can stall. This transition could take the shape of a: Significant team changes like these can hinder the delivery of key outcomes and you have a crucial decision to make at this point. Do you invest in...