New change research finding for COOs

As Chief Operating Officers (COOs), driving organisational transformation is a critical responsibility. However, the path to successful transformation is often riddled with challenges and uncertainties. In this blog post, we will explore key insights gained from interviews with industry experts, shedding light on the complexities of transformation and providing guidance for COOs looking to lead their organisations through successful change.

Understanding Transformation and Growth

To start, it’s important to distinguish between transformation and growth. While they share similarities, they represent distinct concepts with separate challenges and opportunities. Transformation involves significant changes in strategy, culture, technologies, or business models, while growth focuses on expanding and developing the business over time. For the purpose of this post, our focus will be on organisational transformation.

The Pitfalls of Transformation

Statistics suggest that a considerable number of transformation efforts—anywhere from 40% to 75%—fail to achieve their intended outcomes. Though our interviewees didn’t specifically address this ratio, there was a shared sentiment that “change tends to be poorly done” and embedding change can be equally challenging. Organisational inertia, stemming from a desire for stability, poses a significant obstacle. Different business maturation stages contribute to this inertia too, with mature businesses seeking to preserve their successful strategies and hyper-growth companies fearing the potential distractions associated with change.

The Human Element of Change

Throughout the interviews, a prominent theme emerged: regardless of the stages and areas of focus within transformation (such as readiness, execution, embedding, and sustaining,) “change is always about the people.” Recognising and addressing the human element is crucial for successful transformation. People’s attitudes, emotions, and buy-in are key factors that can make or break any change initiative.

Overcoming Challenges

To navigate the challenges of transformation, COOs must prioritise certain strategies. Firstly, fostering a culture of open communication and transparency helps create a shared understanding of the need for change and encourages employee engagement. Secondly, emphasising effective change management practices, such as clear goal-setting, robust planning, and ongoing monitoring, helps mitigate resistance and maintain momentum throughout the transformation lifetime. Lastly, investing in the development of leaders and change agents within the organisation empowers individuals to drive and sustain change at all levels.


As COOs, leading organisational transformation requires an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that come with change. By recognising the significance of the human element, adopting effective change management practices, and investing in leadership capability, COOs can increase the likelihood of successful transformation. Embracing the complexities and empowering the people within the organisation will pave the way for a future-ready, agile, and thriving enterprise.

We enable your organisation to achieve individual and collective transformation goals quickly and confidently, whether you require support for senior leaders, executive teams, or large cohorts of mission critical managers.

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