Introducing NEW Concise Coaching by Exigence 

Real-time development for your leaders and managers in transition. 

What is Concise Coaching? 

The ultimate individual and pragmatic approach to development. Coaching leaders within 20-minute sessions enables a larger number of people in organisations to access the benefits of coaching; being mindful of the workload of leaders as it’s highly time- and cost-efficient when compared with more traditional coaching approaches. 

The coach is challenged to ask themselves, “What will be most helpful for this leader right now?” It’s about helping leaders to apply new thinking in their context, solve real problems and make sense of experience, focusing on meaning and purpose as well as solution finding. 

To ensure depth in the conversation, the coach: 

· supports the leader in describing their experience 

· stays curious 

· asks descriptively focused questions with the intention of opening out new possibilities. 

How does it work? 

There are 5 key elements of our Concise Coaching® process that help ensure leaders have a valuable 20 minutes, finding new perspectives on live issues and developing the longer-term capacity to find solutions, meaning and purpose in their work for themselves. 

1. It’s essential that leaders are fully prepared in advance of the session and ready to ‘hit the ground running’. 

2. The coach ensures there’s an instant rapport, to relax the leader and create an open dialogue. 

3. To maximise the time available, the coach skilfully keeps the leader focused on what they really wanted to work on, the underlying issue, moving forward, and so on. 

4. Questions from the coach are direct, short and to the point, at times challenging but asked with warmth and curiosity; never for the purpose of pure information gathering. 

5. The coach uses their own intuition early, typically in the form of a statement but often framed as a question, as a way of exploring specific areas that may be outside the awareness of the leader, or especially helpful to the conversation achieving its central aim. 


· Coaching that focuses on creating insight and meaning for the leader rather than arriving solely at a solution for the leader is more successful. 

· Questions that focus the leader on beliefs, values and limiting beliefs are more effective. 

· The top 20% of organisations performing well financially are three times more likely to have ‘capable’ leaders than the bottom 20%. 

· Coaching provides a wide range of positive results for individuals, where leaders can work on their own challenges, goals and development. 

· Our own published academic research shows a positive ROI of more than 340% for leadership coaching.

“Organisations are having to navigate fast-paced change more than ever before and leaders are under huge pressure to deliver change effectively. Concise Coaching® gives them the dynamic, concentrated support to do just that. When resources, both time and money, are limited this innovative coaching methodology is a real game changer.” 

Glenn Wallis, Founder and Managing Director of Exigence. 

Find out more about Exigence and Concise Coaching.

Contact Glenn direct: Tel +44 (0)20 3858 7337


Exigence Founded by Glenn Wallis, a renowned international coach of leaders and executives, and one of the world’s rare Doctors of Coaching and Mentoring. After 20+ years’ operating as a freelance coach, Glenn has harnessed his and his associates’ extensive experience to provide a growing suite of coaching solutions to many more leaders and teams. Exigence is developing to become an exceptional company that leads the way in combining their clients’ ambitions, with a rigorous approach, to deliver quantifiable business-critical results. 

Exigence works with organisations to deliver full-stack HR leadership development solutions, from Executive and senior team coaching to Concise Coaching and Team Coaching. If you would like to discuss how we can help you deliver quantifiable impacts for your organisation, we’d love to hear from you – just contact us here.


GLOBAL LEADERSHIP | Western Continuing Studies (

Wallis (2010) International Journal of Coaching and Mentoring in Practice

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