Empowering Middle Managers: The WORD on Talent Development

Middle managers play a pivotal role in any organisation. They are the bridge between upper management and the frontline employees, responsible for translating high-level strategies into actionable tasks. One of their key responsibilities is talent development, ensuring that their team members grow, both personally and professionally. To facilitate this process, the WORD acronym —...

Develop the key leadership skill of parallel processing

Our recent blog posts have explored the importance of viewing a team, not just as an intact unit but also as a collection of individuals who operate across a range of relationships. When those bonds are sufficiently strong, they enable the team deliver the key impacts that are required of it.  This article moves the...

The Importance of Strong Working Relationships in Teams

Traditional views of teams often see them as cohesive units, even when they’re assembled for specific projects. Team members are viewed as working towards common goals and shared success. However, looking at teams from a different angle reveals that they consist of individuals with their own agendas, aspirations, and diverse perspectives. When these personal...

Does your team actually exist?

In the last post we began to explore different perspectives for looking at teams. We countered the oft quoted idea that there is no ‘I’ in team. We explained why, in fact, a team is full of ‘I’s and why that is relevant for leaders and organisations to be fully aware of. This is important because...

Look closer: There is an ‘I’ in team.

In the first of two articles exploring the concept of a ‘team,’ I want to address a common but misguided notion often repeated in discussions about teamwork: the trite and glaringly false assertion that, “There is no ‘I’ in team.” I realise that you, dear reader, will never have uttered this apocryphal statement, so...

Are you sure it’s team coaching you are buying?

If you are considering supporting your senior teams, I hope this article will help you in your decision-making process by giving you a general overview of the market and what is on offer. I shall also help you understand why it is so important that you should be clear on what you and your...

Why team coaching? Why now?

If you are a leader of a team or a purchaser of development for your organisation, you can’t have helped but notice that since the pandemic, there has been a good deal of coverage about “leading at a distance” and developing high performing teams. Not surprising when you consider how challenging the pandemic proved...

Less is.

We have spent eighteen months creating the Exigence brand. We had the help of many fantastic and experienced professionals in building something that I am incredibly proud of and that resonates with our team and customers. It wasn’t easy. The hardest part of the creative process for me, was the constant counsel I received...

Why do leaders stop leading?

Brilliant functional leaders who head up their own teams of high performers often share an observable trait: they stop leading when they come together in a group with their peers, e.g. at their regular senior leadership team meetings. We see it. Too often. From our data and experience of nearly 20 years, there are...

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