Environmental policy

As an accredited Green Small Business we are acutely aware of our role in limiting the impacts our work has on the environment. As a digital-first company we clearly use resources but we can limit all forms of travel to a minimum.

Our Environment Policy is attached below.

Environmental policy

Wallis Partnership Limited (trading as Exigence) Environmental Policy

Last Reviewed: 23/6/24

Next Review: 30/11/25

Mission statement

Exigence recognises that the environment is important to our business, our staff and our customers. We have a responsibility to manage our environmental impacts carefully, including meeting all legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points. We will encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same.

Policy aims

We endeavour to:

  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
  • Incorporate environmental considerations into business decisions.
  • Increase the wider team awareness of this policy and provide training to ensure that we meet its requirements.

Policy priorities 

1.         Carbon footprint

  • We will continue to seek ways of radically reducing our carbon footprint.

2.            Energy and Water

  • We will raise the issue of Energy and Water usage at our quarterly review meetings. As all members of the team work remotely, we will ensure that we communicate regularly our sustainability focus through including “Sustainability Action Points” at all team meetings. 

3.            Purchasing goods & services

  • In making decisions about the purchasing of goods & services, we will routinely and systematically take into account the environmental impact of those materials and their supply chain.
  • We will favour more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever possible.

4.            Transportation

  • As a ‘digital first’ company, we will promote the use of travel alternatives such as video/phone conferencing across our team and with customers and suppliers.
  • We will apply a principled approach to our own business travel, including avoiding travel where possible, using public transport and making the transition to electric vehicles.
  • We will make additional efforts to accommodate the needs of those using public transport or bicycles.

5.            Waste and recycling

  • We will re-use as much waste material as possible.
  • Waste materials which cannot be re-used will be recycled wherever this is feasible.
  • We will only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste which cannot be re-used.

Our Environmental Management System

We have developed an Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure we meet the requirements of this policy. We will review our performance against the EMS on a regular basis.

We will update this policy at least annually in consultation with staff and other stakeholders where necessary.


Glenn P Wallis 








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